
The United Nations said the world's population will exceed 7 billion


The United Nations said the world's population will exceed 7 billion

According to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) released the latest report, in October 31, 2011, before the Earth's population will surpass 70 million mark at any time. Section 7 billion Earth inhabitants probably born in the Asia Pacific region.
    This is a very sad but also happy milestone moment, a sense of crisis comes along with a sense of accomplishment. In those world's poorest countries, high fertility rates impede development, increasing poverty; and in those the world's richest countries, low fertility and fewer and fewer people entering the job market, so that sustainable economic growth prospects are grim.
    Looking ahead, the United Nations estimated in 2025, world population will reach 8 billion, will reach 10 billion before 2083. How many people Earth can carry? How little so many people on the planet to share resources, harmonious life? These serious problems with the survival of each is closely related to the Earth's inhabitants, the answer will also affect the fate of humanity as a whole go.

A dramatic increase in population of just 4 billion over 50 years

    She is 40 years old, mother of eight children, the ninth child in the stomach is about to come into the world. Her house is located in Burundi, a small village, the village is too small, not enough food, three children because they can not afford school fees and was forced to drop out of school.
    Getty Reeve Nag Laimu Wei said: "I regret birth to many children, if you can start over, students twenty-three enough."
    In eastern Uganda, a wealthy farm, but it is another story. Farmers Ameksa up said: "My father had 25 children, I am only 14, in the future will be recycled a few." Casada has two wives, his family is considered a sign of success, but also to his later years worry-free protection.
   Until Nagelamewe children born after the number of the world's population will surpass 70 million.
    In Western Europe, Japan and Russia, people will worry about the 7 billion to meet this milestone breakthrough; in China and India, the world's two most populous countries, it will be a reassessment of the timing of population control policies; But in Burundi, Uganda and other Southern African countries, this is a very heavy-hearted moment, because there are suffering from extreme poverty, high fertility rate and the weight of the two mountains. According to the current birth rate, nearly 900 million people in the region will surge in 40 years to 20 million, accounting for half of future global population growth.

Resources are increasingly scarce

    In 1789, the British demographer Thomas Malthus in his masterpiece "population theory" proposed: population growing exponentially, while food was algebra base growth, grain growth can not be synchronized with the population growth potential in the long run, population and ability to support a huge rift between the inevitable, leading to famine and wars over resources.
    Earth Policy Institute, Washington, United States Environmental analyst Lester Brown said: "The extreme poor and extended families tend to promote each other, it is necessary to break this cycle, led to small changes in the family." Otherwise, the lack of food and clean water will further intensify The political instability in developing countries. "There are still quite a lot of earth to produce food of the land, as long as adequate water is a match. The problem is that increasingly scarce water resources."
    Researchers in international water management have the same concerns. They predict that by 2025, there will be 18 million people living in areas of serious lack of water.
    Harvard School of Public Health, David Bloom recently in "Science" magazine published studies have reported that in 1750, carried out with the Industrial Revolution, population growth accelerated, to 1804, global population over 10 million. Over a 123 years later, the world's population exceeded 20 million.
    50 in the past few years, the world's population began to grow rapidly, from $ 3 billion, rising to 70 million, an increase of 10 million people each in turn took only 15 years 13 years 12 years and 13 years: 30, 1959 billion in 1974 to 40 billion in 1987 to reach 50 million in 1999 to 60 billion in 2011 to 70 million.
    Today, the world's population growth rate remained at 1%. Research shows that in 2011 there will be about 135 million people were born, 57 million deaths, 78 million net increase in population.
    Looking ahead, the United Nations estimated in 2025, world population will reach 8 billion, will reach 10 billion before 2083. However, these figures may significantly increase or decrease, depending on family planning, infant mortality and life expectancy and other factors.
  • 金币 +2 bonus 2011-10-23 19:25


wow, I didn't know that..

thanks for your sharing !!


You worry too much. It seems this topic is not so interesting.


Are u sure the report is october 31.2011. We have not got to that day yet. U r the future corp. :lol


Don't worry.  We are going to invade Mars.



回复 1楼 的帖子

7 billion is a huge number. what are we going to feed ourself?


There will be one day that there are no more room for people to live in the earth


as far as I know.. I believe the world's population exceeds 7 billion already? Well, I can only say that we need to slow the growth of our population down, otherwise, it's gonna be too crowded for the earth, lol..


yes? and so what?


Never mind,
the earth will do something to prevent such thing to happen.
too many people will cause lots of problems.


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